Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A new way to see NY Churches...

     Since using my Nikon D800 I have been experimenting more and more. Recently I was playing around with Panorama's from some of my older photos and was personally impressed with some of the results. Inspired by those photos I decided to go out and try something different. 
    Traveling as much as I do I am always blown away by the world's religious buildings, especially the intricate interior details. With that being said in New York we have some pretty amazing hidden treasures of churches. Brooklyn has a tremendous amount that I need to go shoot but I started with some Manhattan churches first. 
     So far I have had some trouble getting churches to shoot. 5 of them were closed, 2 under construction and 1 I was not allowed to shoot with a tripod. The ones I did shoot, 5 so far are posted at my Flickr account attached. 
The way I shot them was this: Be in the middle aisle, shoot from the pew to the back in a circle to get the ceiling in full. Camera is on my tripod and get to shoot straight up the ceiling and them change the direction of the camera to keep a smooth transition. I then use Lightroom, Lens Correction then to Photoshop to use their stitching mode which is Photomerge. Play around with the Puppet Warp because when shooting with a 14mm Nikon lens you get some warping when shooting ceilings.

The Church of Xavier St. Francis

The Most Holy Redeemer Church 

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